Logoholic's Collection
- Hollywood - Halloween 1999 Spider Guitar w/ Coffin Box
- Hong Kong - Christmas 1994 Small Guitar w/ Bells & Holly
(500 made)
- Hong Kong - Christmas 1995 Gold Tree
- Hong Kong -Christmas 1996 White Logo w/ Saxophone
- Hong Kong - Christmas 1998 Santa
- Hong Kong - Earth Day 1995 Animals around Globe (500 made)
- Hong Kong - Earth Day 1996 Blue Dolphin
- Hong Kong - Earth Day 1999 Small Leaf
- Hong Kong - Halloween 1995 Jack O Lantern w/ Cape
- Hong Kong - Halloween 1996 Green Jack O Lantern
- Hong Kong - Halloween 1997 Grim Reapers
- Hong Kong - Halloween 1998 Black Skull
- Hong Kong - July 4th. 1995 Eagle w/ Flags
- Hong Kong - July 4th. 1997 Statue of Liverty
- Hong Kong - July 4th. 1999 Purple Star w/ USA Flags
- Hong Kong - Mid Autumn Festival
- Hong Kong - Save The Animals "Black Faced
- Hong Kong - Save The Animals "Black Rhino"
- Hong Kong - Save The
Animals "Panda"
- Hong Kong - Save The Animals "Tiger"
- Hong Kong - Save The Animals "Whale"
- Hong Kong - Save The Animals "White Dolphin"
- Hong Kong - Staff Nite 1996 Large Brass Star (1000 made)
- Hong Kong - Unification 1st. Dragon Head Front
- Hong Kong - Unification 1st. Dragon Head Side
- Hong Kong - Unification 1st. Star
- Hong Kong - Unification 1st. Sun
- Hong Kong - Unification 2nd. Carp
- Hong Kong - Unification 2nd. Lion
- Hong Kong - Unification 2nd. Star/Fan
- Honolulu - Surfboard Pray for Surf 1991
- Honolulu - Surfboard Pray for Surf 1992 - 1993 No Date
- Honolulu - Surfboard Pray for Surf 1994
- Honolulu - Surfboard Pray for Surf 1995
- Houston - In Memory of Dominic Candle
- Houston - Rodeo
1994 Brown Boot
- Houston - Rodeo
1995 Black Boot
- Houston - Rodeo
1996 Red/Green Boot
- Houston - Rodeo 1996 Stratocaster
- Houston - Rodeo
1996 Tan/Black Boot
- Houston - Rodeo 1997 Telecaster
- Jakarta - Christmas 1996 White Logo w/ Saxophone
- Jakarta - Christmas 1997 Reindeer in Stocking
- Jakarta - Christmas 1998 Snowman
- Jakarta - Halloween 1997 Screaming Skulls
- Jakarta - Halloween 1998 Female Devil
- Jakarta - Happy New Year 1999 Crown Guitar
- Jakarta - Press Pin
w/ Black Camera
- Key West - Bike Night 1998 Red Flame Tank
- Kobe - Cherry Blossom 2000 White Vertical Guitar w/ Large
- Kobe - Cherry Blossom 2001 Blossom Guitar
- Kobe - Children's Day 1999 Teddy Bear
- Kobe - Children's Day 2000 Red Bass w/ Koinobori
- Kobe - Christmas 1999 Train
- Kobe - Christmas 2000
- Kobe - Christmas 2000 Color Mistake
- Kobe - Christmas 2000 Teddy Bear
- Kobe - Christmas 2001 Red Sox Guitar
- Kobe - Earth Day 2000 Whale
- Kobe - Earth Day 2001 Leaf Guitar
- Kobe - Easter 2000 Egg
- Kobe - Halloween 1999 Pumpkin Witch w/ Broom
- Kobe - Halloween 1999 Puzzle Set (6 pins)
- Kobe - Halloween 1999 Teddy Bear Orange (Japan Clone)
- Kobe - Halloween 2000 Black Cat (Herrington)
- Kobe - Halloween 2000 Viking Ship
- Kobe - Halloween 2001 Black Car w/ Flames
- Kobe - Halloween 2002 Black Stratocaster w/ Skull (GCI)
- Kobe - Halloween 2003 Witch & Skulls (GCI)
- Kobe - Happy Wedding 2002 Wedding Couple on Car
- Kobe - Happy Wedding 2003 Gold Bell
- Kobe - July 4th. 1999 USA Flag Colored Star
- Kobe - July 4th. 2000 Clock Tower
- Kobe - July 4th. 2001 Stratocaster w/ Eagle Head
- Kobe - Millennium Guitar Green
- Kobe - Pray for Surf 1999 Teddy Bear
- Kobe - Pray for Surf 2000
- Kobe - Pray for Surf 2001
- Kobe - St. Patrick's Day 2000 Tri Colored Shield w/ Small
- Kobe - St. Patrick's Day 2001 Rainbow Arch
- Kobe - St. Valentine's Day 2000 Lady Wing
- Kobe - St. Valentine's Day 2000 Puzzle Set (4 pins)
- Kobe - St. Valentine's Day 2001 Heart Guitar
- Kobe - Zodiac 2000 Dragon
- Kowloon - Christmas 1995 Gold Tree
- Kowloon - Christmas 1996 White Logo w/ Saxophone
- Kowloon - Christmas 1998 Santa
- Kowloon - Earth Day 1995 Animals around Globe (500 made)
- Kowloon - Earth Day 1996 Blue Dolphin
- Kowloon - Earth Day 1999 Small Leaf
- Kowloon - Halloween 1995 Jack O Lantern w/ Cape
- Kowloon - Halloween 1996 Green Jack O Lantern
- Kowloon - Halloween 1997 Grim Reapers
- Kowloon - Halloween 1998 White Skull
- Kowloon - July 4th. 1997 Statue of Liverty
- Kowloon - July 4th. 1999 White Star w/ USA Flags
- Kowloon - Mid Autumn Festival
- Kowloon - Save The Animals "Black Faced
- Kowloon - Save The Animals "Black Rhino"
- Kowloon - Save The Animals "Tiger"
- Kowloon - Save The Animals "Whale"
- Kowloon - Save The Animals "White Dolphin"
- Kowloon - Unification 1st. Dragon Head Front
- Kowloon - Unification 1st. Dragon Head Side
- Kowloon - Unification 1st. Star
- Kowloon - Unification 1st. Sun
- Kowloon - Unification 2nd. Carp
- Kowloon - Unification 2nd. Lion
- Kowloon - Unification 2nd. Star/Fan
- Kuala Lumpur - 4 Nation Ride Round Black w/ Silver
- Kuala Lumpur - Christmas 1994 Small Guitar w/ Bells & Holly (500 made)
- Kuala Lumpur - Christmas 1995 Gold Tree
- Kuala Lumpur - Christmas 1996 White Logo w/ Saxophone
- Kuala Lumpur - Christmas 1997 Reindeer in Stocking
- Kuala Lumpur - Christmas 1998 Large Santa
- Kuala Lumpur -
Christmas 1999 Carolers w/ Red Ribbon
- Kuala Lumpur - Earth Day 1994 Globe w/ Animals
- Kuala Lumpur - Earth Day 1996 Blue Dolphin
- Kuala Lumpur - Earth Day 1998 Hands Holding Globe
- Kuala Lumpur - Earth Day 1999 Tiger Pewter
- Kuala Lumpur - Halloween 1995 Jack O Lantern w/ Cape
- Kuala Lumpur - Halloween 1996 Green Jack O Lantern
- Kuala Lumpur - Halloween 1997 Instruments in Pot
- Kuala Lumpur - Halloween 1998 Witch
- Kuala Lumpur -
Halloween 1999 Spider Web w/ Black Skull
- Kuala Lumpur - National Day 1999 Flag
- Kuala Lumpur - St. Valentine's Day 1998 Arrow through
- Kuala Lumpur - St. Valentine's Day 1999 Birds
- Las Vegas Cafe - Gaming Girl "4 Aces"
- Las Vegas Cafe - Gaming Girl "4 Kings"
- Las Vegas Cafe - Pin Girl 2002 w/ Blue Guitar
- Las Vegas Cafe - Pin Girl 2002 w/ Green Guitar (for Breakfast Party Attendees
- Las Vegas Cafe - Pin Girl 2003
- Las Vegas Cafe - Pin Girl 2003 (Breakfast Party Attendees Only)
- Las Vegas Cafe - Ride for Life MDA Motorcycle
- Las Vegas Cafe - Rodeo 1993 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Cafe - Rodeo 1994 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Cafe - Rodeo 1995 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Cafe - Rodeo 1996 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Cafe - Rodeo 1997 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Hotel - 2nd. Annual Hot Rod and Custom Car Show
Pin Set (5 pins)
- Las Vegas Hotel - Charity Golf Tournament 2003
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1995 Snowflake Joy to The World
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1995 Snowflake Joy to The World
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1996 Snowflake Let It Snow
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1996 Snowflake Let It Snow
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1997 Snowflake Holiday in Vegas
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1997 Snowflake Holiday in Vegas
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1998 Snowflake
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1998 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1999 Puzzle Set (6 pins)
- Las Vegas Hotel -
Christmas 1999 Santa's Helper "DINAH"
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1999 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 1999 Teddy Bear
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2000 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2001 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2002 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2003 "Peace"
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2003 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2004 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Christmas 2005 Snowflake Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Cinco de Mayo 2000
- Las Vegas Hotel - Cinco de Mayo 2001
- Las Vegas Hotel - Cinco de Mayo 2002
- Las Vegas Hotel - Cinco de Mayo 2003
- Las Vegas Hotel - Gold Wing w/ "The Best of Las Vegas"
- Las Vegas Hotel - Halloween 1996 Pumpkin w/ Black Cat Face
- Las Vegas Hotel - Halloween 1997 Skeletons Playing the
- Las Vegas Hotel - Halloween 1998 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Hotel - Happy New Year 1998 Champagne Bottle
& Glass
- Las Vegas Hotel - Happy New Year 1999 Dancing
- Las Vegas Hotel - Hot Streak Dice & Flames Sterling
Silver (1-2)
- Las Vegas Hotel - Hot Streak Dice & Flames Sterling
Silver (2-2)
- Las Vegas Hotel - Jackpot Winner
- Las Vegas Hotel - July 4th. 1997 Star behind Logo
- Las Vegas Hotel - July 4th. 1998 USA Flag Colored National
Glenwood 95
- Las Vegas Hotel - July 4th. 1999 Wings
- Las Vegas Hotel - July 4th. 2000 America Shaped Guitar
- Las Vegas Hotel - Lucky Dog Jackpot Member
- Las Vegas Hotel -
Lucky Dog Jackpot Slot Player
- Las Vegas Hotel - Playboy March 1st, 2001 Black Guitar
w/ Rabbit
- Las Vegas Hotel - Rodeo 1997 Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Hotel - St. Valentine's Day 1997 Cupid w/ Guitar
- Las Vegas Hotel - St. Valentine's Day 1998 Heart w/ Wings
- Las Vegas Hotel - St. Valentine's Day 1999 Heart Guitar
- Las Vegas Hotel - St. Valentine's Day 2002 Guitar Playing Venus in Red
- Las Vegas Hotel - The Joint "Ozzy Osbourne" March 14 2003
- Las Vegas Hotel - Vacuum Cleaner 2001 Staff
- Las Vegas Hotel - Welcome Cowboys 1996 Cowgirl w/ Lasso
- Las Vegas Hotel - Welcome to Las Vegas 2000 We Partied Like
It Was 1999
- London - Harley Owners Group Silver Oval Pin
- London - July 4th.
1988 Pebble Back
- London - July 4th.
1990 Round Button
- London - July 4th. 1993 Round Button
- London - July 4th. 1994 Round Button
- London - July 4th. 1995 Round Button
- London - July 4th. 1996 Round Button
- London - July 4th. 1997 Statue of Liberty
- London - July 4th. 1998 Statue of Liverty
- London - Millennium
2000 Big Ben
- Los Angeles - EVH Charity Golf Tournament 1994 (1000 made)
- Los Angeles - Pow Wow 1996 Blue Square (3000 made)
- Makati Philippines - Christmas 1996 White Logo w/ Saxophone
- Makati Philippines - Christmas 1997 Compass Rose
- Makati Philippines - Christmas 1998 Tree w/ Nativity Scene
- Makati Philippines - Christmas 1999 Blue Angel
- Makati Philippines - Earth Day 1996 Blue Dolphin
- Makati Philippines - Halloween 1996 Green Jack O Lantern
- Makati Philippines - Halloween 1997 Instruments in Pot
- Makati Philippines -
Halloween 1998 Spider Web, Red Car & Tombstone
- Makati Philippines - Halloween 1999 Blue Guitar w/ Skeleton
- Makati Philippines - July 4th. 1997 Statue of Liberty
- Makati Philippines - July 4th. 1998 White Logo w/ US Flag
Colored Hat
- Makati Philippines - Save The Animals "Black
- Makati Philippines - Save The Animals "Tiger"
- Makati Philippines - Save The Animals "Whale"
- Makati Philippines - St. Valentine's Day 1999 Cupid
w/ Hearts
- Manila - Christmas 1995 Gold Tree
- Maui - Halloween 1993 Hula Dancing Skeleton
- Maui - Halloween 1994 Guitar Playing Skeleton (1000 made)
- Maui - Halloween 1995 Moonlight Island
- Maui - Halloween 1996 Sailboarding Skeleton
- Maui - Halloween 1997 Surfboard w/ Skull
- Maui - St. Valentine's Day 1998 Heart Guitar
- Melbourne - Christmas 1997 Bell
- Melbourne - Christmas 1998 Red/White Hutti Star Guitar
- Melbourne -
Halloween 1999 Guitar Playing Skeleton
- Melbourne - Happy Birthday Black Record
- Melbourne - Happy Birthday Candle
- Mexico - Christmas 1993 Green Round
- Mexico - Christmas
1998 Red Round w/ Santa Sterling Silver
- Mexico - Christmas 2000 Santa Sterling Silver Red Shading
- Mexico - Halloween 1998 Ghost House Sterling Silver Black
- Mexico - Halloween 2000 Logo w/ Bat Wings Sterling Silver
Black Shading
- Mexico - World Cup 1994 Crossed USA/Mex. Flag Colored
- Miami - Super Bowl Guitar
- Myrtle Beach - Bike Night 1995 Winged Motorcycle
- Myrtle Beach - Bike Week 1997 Red Flame Tank
- Myrtle Beach - Easy Ride Winged Motorcycle