Logoholic's Collection
- Taichung - Guitar Blue/White Stratocaster
- Taichung - Guitar Gibson Acoustic w/ Dragon
- Taichung - Guitar Red Acoustic w/ Flag
- Taichung - Guitar Rickenbacker Bass 4001S
- Taipei - Guitars Set (3 pins)
- Taipei - Guitar Gibson Acoustic w/ Dragon
- Taipei - Guitar Pipa Set First Series (4 pins)
- Taipei - Guitar Pipa Set Second Series (3 pins)
- Taipei - Guitar Red Double Necked w/ Flag
- Taipei - Guitar Red Gibson Acoustic w/ Flag
- Taipei - Guitar Rickenbacker Bass 4001S
- Taipei - Guitar Stratocaster Blue/White Short Print
- Taipei - Guitar Stratocaster Blue/White Tall Print
- Taipei - Guitar Stratocaster Red/White
- Tel Aviv - Guitar Black/Cream Vox
- Tel Aviv - Guitar Black Stratocaster w/ Star of David
- Tel Aviv - Guitar Green Stratocaster w/ Menorah
- Tijuana - Guitar Alien Series #1 Black
- Tijuana - Guitar Alien Series #1 White
- Tijuana - Guitar Alien Series #2
- Tijuana - Guitar Aqua Gibson
- Tijuana - Guitar Black Acoustic w/ Brown Neck
- Tijuana - Guitar Black Double Axe
- Tijuana - Guitar Black Gibson ES w/ Sombrero
- Tijuana - Guitar Black Gibson Final Series
- Tijuana - Guitar Black/Gold Thin Zebra Striped Flying V
- Tijuana - Guitar Black/Gold Wide Zebra Striped Flying V
- Tijuana - Guitar Black/White Stratocaster
- Tijuana - Guitar Black/Yellow w/ Flame Tac
- Tijuana - Guitar Blue/Green Cactus Gutiar w/ Orange Sombrero
- Tijuana - Guitar Blue Killer Type Final Series
- Tijuana - Guitar Brown Gibson ES w/ Sombrero
- Tijuana - Guitar Crossed USA/Mex. Flag Colored - Guitars
- Tijuana - Guitar Eko 700 4V w/ Mexico Shape Fuchsia
- Tijuana - Guitar Eko 700 4V w/ Mexico Shape Red
- Tijuana - Guitar Fishtail
- Tijuana - Guitar Flying V w/ Rebel Stars Purple
- Tijuana - Guitar Flying V w/ Rebel Stars Red
- Tijuana - Guitar Gibson ES Blue w/ Flag
- Tijuana - Guitar Gibson ES Orange w/ Flag
- Tijuana - Guitar Gold/Black
- Tijuana - Guitar Gray Shell
- Tijuana - Guitar Green Ghost
- Tijuana - Guitar Green PRS
- Tijuana - Guitar Green/Orange Waving Striped
- Tijuana - Guitar Inferno (August 1998)
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Blue w/ Gold American Continent
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Blue w/ Green American Continent
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Green w/ Gold American Continent
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Green w/ Gold American Continent
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Maroon w/ Squiggles
- Tijuana - Guitar Les Paul Serape Colored
- Tijuana - Guitar Light Brown Veleno
- Tijuana - Guitar Light/Dark Blue Tokai Talbo A80D
- Tijuana - Guitar Lime Green Iceman w/ Dark Green Stars
- Tijuana - Guitar Mustard Fender
- Tijuana - Guitar Navy Blue/White Stratocaster
- Tijuana - Guitar Orange Stratocaster w/ Rose Vines Logo on
- Tijuana - Guitar Pinata Blue
- Tijuana - Guitar Pinata Brown
- Tijuana - Guitar Pink Iceman w/ Gold Squiggles
- Tijuana - Guitar Prince #1 Black
- Tijuana - Guitar Prince #1 Red
- Tijuana - Guitar Prince #2
- Tijuana - Guitar Purple Aztec Like
- Tijuana - Guitar Purple Rain (August 1998)
- Tijuana - Guitar Red Double Necked
- Tijuana - Guitar Red Gibson
- Tijuana - Guitar Red Gibson Final Series
- Tijuana - Guitar Red Killer Type
- Tijuana - Guitar Red Vigier Natuluius Arpege Bass
- Tijuana - Guitar Red w/ Cactus Tac
- Tijuana - Guitar Silver Dobro
- Tijuana - Guitar Silver Stratocaster w/ Cutouts
- Tijuana - Guitar Silver Stratocaster w/ Red & Blue Stars
- Tijuana - Guitar Tan Iceman w/ Brick Pattern
- Tijuana - Guitar USA/Mex. Flag Colored Stratocaster The
- Tijuana - Guitar USA/Mex. Flag Colored Telecaster
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Aldo Nova
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Eric Johnson
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Guns N' Roses
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Nuno Bettencourt
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Spinal Tap
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Steve Howe
- Tijuana - Guitar Wall Series Tom Petty
- Tijuana - Guitar White Ghost
- Tijuana - Guitar Yellow Fender Final Series
- Tijuana - Guitar Yellow/Orange Sunburst
- Tokyo - Guitar Brown Left Handed Hoffner Bass
- Tokyo - Guitar Double Necked Purple 2LC Open Grid Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Double Necked Red 2LC Grid Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Double Necked Red 3LC Boxed Print H. R. Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Flower Acoustic Dark Green
- Tokyo - Guitar Flying V Black w/ Polka Dots
- Tokyo - Guitar Flying V Purple w/ Ornaments (Japan Clone)
- Tokyo - Guitar Flying V w/ Ornaments New Color (Japan Clone)
- Tokyo - Guitar Kamikaze Telecaster 2LC
- Tokyo - Guitar Kamikaze Telecaster 3LC
- Tokyo - Guitar Kamikaze Telecaster 3LC H. R. Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Kamikaze Telecaster 4LC
- Tokyo - Guitar Kamikaze Telecaster Enamel (500 made)
- Tokyo - Guitar Killer Destroyer
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Black 3LT Mesh Back Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Black Horizontal 4LC Grid Back Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Black Vertical
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Blue 3LT Grid Back Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Blue w/ Musical Notes
- Tokyo - Guitar Les
Paul Gold w/ (R)
- Tokyo - Guitar Les
Paul Gold w/o (R)
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Purple
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul Red 4LC Grid Back Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul w/ Gorilla & Tokyo Tower
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul White 3LT Grid Back Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Les Paul White 3LT Grid Back Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Black 3LT Grid Back Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Black 4LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Blue 2LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Blue 3LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Blue 3LT Grid Back Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Flag Colored Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Flag Colored Purple Trim
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Flag Colored Red Trim 2LC Grid Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Flag Colored Red Trim H. R. Back
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Red 3LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen Red Grid Back 3LT Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen White 3LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen White 4LC Cloisonne
- Tokyo - Guitar Samisen White 3LT Enamel
- Tokyo - Guitar Yellow Left Handed Stratocaster
- Toronto - Guitar Red Explorer Old Type
- Toronto - Guitar Tower Old Type
- Toronto - Guitar Tower w/ Globe Colored Logo
- Toronto - Guitar White Double Necked Old Type
- Toronto S. Dome - Guitar Blue w/ Baseball Player Old Type
- Toronto S. Dome - Guitar Red Explorer Old Type
- Toronto S. Dome - Guitar Stratocaster w/ Black Sky Dome
- Toronto S. Dome - Guitar White Double Necked Old Type
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Double Necked w/ HIDEYOSHI Red
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Double Necked w/ HIDEYOSHI Translucent
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Flying V Blue (Japan
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Les Paul Black
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Les Paul Light Green
w/ Musical Notes
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Masks
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Tiger Striped Black/Red
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Guitar Tiger Striped Black/Translucent Red
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Black "KISS"
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Flying V Black w/ Flames
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Flying V Purple w/ Flames
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Les Paul Black
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Blue Semi Acoustic
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Vertical Double Necked w/ Panda
- Uyeno Eki - Guitar Vertical Yellow Double Necked w/ Two Pandas
- Vancouver - Guitar Totempole
- Washington D. C. - Guitar Flag Colored w/ Comma after
- Washington D. C. - Guitar Les Paul Black
- Washington D. C. - Guitar National Glenwood 95
- Washington D. C. - Guitar Reverse Firebird
- Whistler - Guitar Les Paul Red Mountain Biker L. Pt.
- Whistler - Guitar Les Paul Red Mountain Biker S. Pt.
- Whistler - Guitar w/ Snowboarder Block Letters
- Whistler - Guitar w/ Snowboarder Old Type
- Whistler - Guitar w/ Snowboarder Script Letters
"WHISTLER" L. Pt. Code
- Whistler - Guitar w/ Snowboarder Script Letters
"WHISTLER" S. Pt. Code
- Yokohama - Guitar Bay Bridge
- Yokohama - Guitar Blue Les Paul w/ Dolphin Small Boxed Print (1st)
- Yokohama - Guitar Blue Les Paul w/ Dolphin Large Boxed Print (2nd)
- Yokohama - Guitar Blue Stratocaster "Port of
- Yokohama - Guitar Blue Stratocaster "Port of
Rock" Boxed Print Code
- Yokohama - Guitar Flower Acoustic Blue
- Yokohama - Guitar Flying V Gray w/ Ornaments (Japan Clone)
- Yokohama - Guitar Flying V Light Yellow w/ Flames
- Yokohama - Guitar Flying V White w/ Flames
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul Black
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul Black Boxed Print Code
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul Green w/ Musical Notes
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul Purple
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul Purple Boxed Print Code
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul White
- Yokohama - Guitar Les Paul White Large Print Code
- Yokohama - Guitar Red Double Necked
- Yokohama - Guitar Red Double Necked Boxed Print Code