Logoholic's Collection
- Amman - Man on Camel Rectangle
- Ankara - Cadillac Black
- Ankara - Cadillac Pink
- Antwerp - Brabo Logo
- Antwerp - Cadillac Pink
- Antwerp - Cadillac Turquoise
- Aspen - Pray for Snow
- Bali Cafe - Aids Ribbon
- Bali Cafe - HRC Building w/ Gold Records
- Bali Cafe - Surfboard
- Bali Cafe - Surfboard Long Clasp
- Bali Hotel - Surfboard w/ Aphrodite
- Bangkok - Aids Ribbon Opaque Red
- Bangkok - Aids Ribbon Translucent Red
- Bangkok - Cadillac Red Enamel
- Bangkok - Emerald Temple w/ Light Blue Ring
- Bangkok - Emerald Temple w/ Red Ring
- Bangkok - Gold Disc
Red Rectangle
- Bangkok - Teddy
- Bangkok - Temple w/ Moon in Dark Blue Sky
- Bangkok - Tuk Tuk Blue
- Bangkok - Tuk Tuk Orange
- Bangkok - Tuk Tuk Purple
- Beijing - Aids Ribbon
- Beijing - Great Wall of China Black Pagoda
- Beijing - Panda Beirut Man ontop Logo
- Berlin - Trabi
- Buenos Aires - Matte Pot White/Powder Blue
- Buenos Aires - Obelisk Logo (2000 made)
- Buenos Aires - Peace
- Cabo San Lucas - Juke Box Small Enamel
- Cabo San Lucas - Marlin Logo
- Cancun - Mayan Temple w/ Palm Trees
- Cancun - Square w/ 3 Mayan Symbols
- Chicago - Peace Large Grid Back w/ "MICKI MOUSE"
on Back
- Cozumel - Deep Sea Diving Helmet
- Cozumel - Oyster Shell
- Cozumel - Scuba Diver w/ Yellow Guitar "Ec/e"
- Denver - Pray for Snow
- Dubai - Arabian Tea Kettle
- Dubai - Empire State Building Long Clasp
- Dubai - Empire State Building Short Clasp
- Dubai - Palm Tree
- Edinburgh - Bagpipe Large
- Edinburgh - Bagpipe Small
- Fukuoka - Sax Logo
- Guangzhou - Rams Heads Logo
- Hollywood - Cadillac Red (1500 made)
- Hollywood - Black Star Large Boxed
- Hollywood - Black Star Small Boxed
- Hong Kong - Aids Ribbon
- Jakarta - Aids Ribbon
- Jakarta - Chariot in front of City
- Jakarta - Ondel
- Jakarta - Rhino w/ Guitar
- Kobe - Sax Logo
- Kona - Hula Girl
- Kona - Tiki
- Kowloon - Aids Ribbon
- Kowloon - Chinese Junk
- Kowloon - Mini Pins Set (4 pins)
- Kuala Lumpur - Aids Ribbon
- Kuala Lumpur - Cadillac Black Cloisonne
- Kuala Lumpur - Cadillac Pink Enamel
- Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian Kite Sand Back
- Lake Tahoe - Pray for Snow
- Las Vegas Cafe - Dices Grid Back "SEAN AHRENS"
- Las Vegas Hotel - 4 Aces & Logo Set (5 pins)
- Las Vegas Hotel - 4 Aces Logo Midiam Grid Back
- Las Vegas Hotel - 4 Aces Logo Open Large Grid Back
- Las Vegas Hotel - Athletic Club
- Las Vegas Hotel - Beach Club Black/Purple
- Las Vegas Hotel - Beach Club Orange/Yellow
- Las Vegas Hotel - Cigars
- Las Vegas Hotel - Crossed Guitars Pewter
- Las Vegas Hotel - Good Luck Girl
- Las Vegas Hotel - Joint Black
- Las Vegas Hotel - Joint White
- Las Vegas Hotel - Marlin "SPORTS BOOK"
- Las Vegas Hotel - Mr. Lucky 's 24/7 White Rectangle
- Las Vegas Hotel - New Square Logo w/ Stratocaster
- Las Vegas Hotel - "PINK TACO" (No HRC Logo on it)
- Las Vegas Hotel - Security
- Las Vegas Hotel - Suburban Pink
- Las Vegas Hotel - Tac Blue Pewter Logo
- London - Taxi Cab 3D View Type 1
- London - Taxi Cab 3D View Type 2
- London - Taxi Cab 3D View Type 3
- London - Taxi Cab Side View
- London - Royal Guard Man
- Madrid - Bear w/ Guitar under Tree
- Malta - Cadillac Orange
- Manchester - Guitar Pick Black
- Manchester - Guitar Pick Red
- Maui - Pray for Surf
- Melbourne - Cadillac w/ Flames
- Melbourne - Good Times, Great Music, Let The Good Times
- Melbourne - Tram Blue
- Melbourne - Tram Red
- Mexico- Angel de la Independencia Logo
- Mexico - VW Taxi
- Nashville - Michelle w/ Tires
- Newport Beach - Pray for Surf
- Niagara Falls USA - Wedding Ring
- Oasis - Leaf Logo
- Oasis - Yacht
- Osaka Relocated - Cocktail Glass w/ Girl #1 Red Dressed
- Osaka Relocated - Cocktail Glass w/ Girl #2 Yellow Dressed
- Osaka Relocated - Hot Rod Car
- Paris - Eifel Tower
- Phoenix - Phoenix Bird
- Puerto Vallarta - Blue/White Stratocaster behind Cruise Ship
- Queenstown - Pewter Logo
- Reykjavik - Island Black Small Print "Hard Rock"
- Reykjavik - Leif Erikson Red w/ Blue Logo
- Reykjavik - Take Time To Be Kind Crossed Blue Guitars
- Reykjavik - Take Time To Be Kind Crossed Red/Black Guitars
- Rome - HRC Clocks (1-3)
- Rome - HRC Clocks (2-3)
- Rome - HRC Clocks (3-3)
- Salt Lake City - Pray for Snow
- San Diego - Pray for Surf
- Seoul - Instrument Set (5 pins)
- Shanghai - Lions White Logo
- Sharm El Sheikh - Flying Man
- Sharm El Sheikh - Nefertiti
- Singapore - Aids Ribbon
- Singapore - Gold Merlion w/ Flowers Medium Grid Back
- Singapore - Gold Merlion w/ Flowers Medium Squared Grid Back
- Singapore - Rock The World with Harley Davidson
- Stockholm - Love & Peace Blue Square (1000 made)
- Stockholm - Rectangle Globe Arena
- Stockholm - Rectangle City Hall
- Stockholm - Viking Girl w/ Axe Bass & Shield
- Stockholm - Viking w/ Axe Bass & Shield
- Surfers Paradise - Beach Club
- Surfers Paradise - Crossed Guitars Pewter
- Surfers Paradise - Koala w/ Surfboard
- Surfers Paradise - Pray For Surf 3LC Large Grid Back
- Surfers Paradise - Pray for Surf H. R. Back
- Surfers Paradise - Tac Blue Pewter Logo
- Sydney - Harbor Bridge/Opera House
- Taichung - Dragon w/ Memorial Temple
- Taipei - Aids Ribbon
- Taipei - China Doll Blue
- Taipei - China Doll Green
- Taipei - China Doll Purple
- Taipei - China Doll Red
- Taipei - Chinese Mask Set Blue (4 pins)
- Taipei - Dragon w/ Memorial Temple
- Tijuana - Agave Plant Beige Trim
- Tijuana - Agave Plant Black Trim
- Tijuana - Agave Plant Red Trim
- Tijuana - Alien
- Tijuana - Black Sombrero Logo
- Tijuana - Border of Rock 'N' Roll Mexico Shape
- Tijuana - Cactus Logo
- Tijuana - El Nino Blue
- Tijuana - El Nino Yellow
- Tijuana - Hurricane Glass
- Tijuana - Light/Dark Green Cactus w/ Red Flowers
- Tijuana - Lightning Bolt Logo
- Tijuana - Mariachi #1
- Tijuana - Mariachi #2
- Tijuana - Mayan Guy w/ Guitar
- Tijuana - Rock and Roll Marshall Silver Star
- Tijuana - Rock Star #1
- Tijuana - Rock Star #2
- Tijuana - Rock Star #3 w/ Black Guitar
- Tijuana - Rock Star #3 w/ Black Guitar Staff
- Tijuana - Rock Star #3 w/ Green Guitar
- Tijuana - Rock Star #3 w/ Red Guitar
- Tijuana - Shot Glass
- Tijuana - Soldiers Raising Flag
- Tijuana - The Border of Rock 'N' Roll Mexico Shape Dark Green Clasp
- Tijuana - The Border of Rock 'N' Roll Mexico Shape Green Tac
- Tijuana - USA/Mex. Flags Rectangle
- Tijuana - Wings Gold
- Tijuana - Wings Silver
- Tijuana - Zapata w/ Green Guitar
- Tijuana - Zapata w/ Red Guitar
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Castle
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Gorilla
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Pick Gold
- Universal Citywalk Osaka - Pick Silver
- Uyeno Eki - Hot Rod Car White Logo w/ Blue Ring
- Uyeno Eki - Hot Rod Car White Logo w/ Yellow Ring
- Washington D. C. - Sax Logo 2LC Large Open Grid Back
- Yokohama - White Ship